Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Over the Border

Finally!  On Friday I accomplished one of my major goals on The Richmond Sampler - to finish the entire border.  On most samplers I tend to do the border first to get it out of the way.  However on this sampler, the border is probably half of the sampler and so I was working down the sides as I went for a while so that I could mix in the queen stitches with the stitching on the rest of the piece.  A few weeks ago I decided that I wanted to try and get the border finished before I did the rest of the sampler - the house, lawn, animals etc.  It's now complete and I can move on to the fun stuff!  I estimated about 2,600 queen stitches between the border and the flower baskets - I've certainly perfected my technique on those now!

Here's a photo of the bottom of the border - I've actually made more sampler progress since I took this but that will have to wait until next time.


  1. Oh, nice! Isn't it great to have all those queen stitches behind you? lol! I was relieved when I got them done! Of course, now I have a lot of over one to look forward to.... Ah well! :D Great progress!

  2. Susan

    Your Richmond sampler is absolutely gorgeous!!

  3. It's looking gorgeous, great progress

  4. It looks great, Susan! Wonderful progress.
